
[rev_slider_vc alias=»slider_2″]
[vcex_icon_box style=»one» icon_color=»#51baef» icon_size=»28px» heading=»Free Updates & Support» heading_type=»h2″ url_target=»_blank» icon=»refresh» heading_size=»16px» url=»http://themeforest.net/item/total-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/6339019?ref=WPExplorer» url_rel=»nofollow» container_left_padding=»55px»]No wonder people love Total. We provide you not only with a clean and well coded theme but also the support you deserve.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=»one» icon_color=»#51baef» icon_size=»28px» heading=»Highly Customizable» heading_type=»h2″ url_target=»_blank» icon=»cubes» heading_size=»16px» url=»http://totaltheme.wpengine.com/base/advanced-theme-panel/» url_rel=»nofollow» container_left_padding=»55px»]Total was developed with child theming in mind, but there are also tons of built-in options for customizing it.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=»one» icon_color=»#51baef» icon_size=»28px» heading=»Drag & Drop Page Builder» heading_type=»h2″ url_target=»_blank» icon=»bars» url=»http://totaltheme.wpengine.com/base/visual-composer/» url_rel=»nofollow» container_left_padding=»55px»]Total comes with an easy drag and drop editor via the Visual Composer making it easy to setup new sites in no time![/vcex_icon_box]

Top Selling WordPress Theme

Total is our most advanced, best selling and highest rated theme to date.
Everything you would expect and more from one of the most popular WordPress related websites out there!

[vcex_spacing size=»40px»][vcex_button url=»http://totaltheme.wpengine.com/base/why-choose-total/» title=»Why Choose Total» rel=»none» style=»flat» align=»center» color=»blue» size=»small» font_size=»14px» font_weight=»400″ target=»blank» icon_right=»question» icon_right_padding=»5px»]Why Choose Total[/vcex_button]
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Drag & Drop Builder
Easily build and save layouts using a drag & drop page builder. Create unlimited layouts for all your posts and pages, no need to memorize a bunch of shortcodes.

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Responsive Design
The Total theme is fully responsive no matter how you decide to build your pages. Create layouts that your visitors can enjoy on any device, even on their phones!

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50+ Builder Blocks
Included are 50+ modules to choose from to insert into your posts/pages so you can create amazing layouts. And more added all the time with updates!

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Advanced Theme Panel
A super intuitive and complete theme panel is included so you can change everything including your site colors, container widths, image cropping sizes and much more!

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Custom Post Types
The built-in custom post types for portfolios, testimonials and staff make it easy to add & manage content. Just use builder elements to insert them anywhere.

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Premium Sliders
Bundled with this theme are two of the best premium sliders available, LayerSlider & Slider Revolution (a $37 total value for FREE), to create epic sliders for your site.

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WooCommerce Support
Built-in support for the WooCommerce plugin allows you to sell products on your site. Everything has been designed & extended to fit perfectly with the theme.

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SEO Optimized
We’ve paid close attention to SEO while developing this theme (headings, clean code, speed, etc). Your site must look good, but also rank well on search results.

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Cross-Browser Compatible
With Total you don’t have to worry if your site works with a specific browser, we’ve gone ahead and tested the theme with all major browsers to be sure it looks great!

Best Rated Theme

People just can’t stop talking about the Total WordPress Theme.
Have a look at the reviews from some of the many happy customers.

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[font_awesome icon=»star» size=»24px» margin_right=»5px» color=»555″][font_awesome icon=»star» size=»24px» margin_right=»5px» color=»666″][font_awesome icon=»star» size=»24px» margin_right=»5px» color=»777″][font_awesome icon=»star» size=»24px» margin_right=»5px» color=»888″][font_awesome icon=»star» size=»24px» margin_right=»5px» color=»999″]

[vcex_spacing size=»70px»]
[vcex_icon_box icon=»magic» style=»two» heading=»Design Quality» heading_type=»h2″]Amazing theme ! Beautiful design and very easy to use with the visual composer plugin and its add-on. I’m very satisfied, just the best wordpress theme I’ve used ever.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box icon=»cube» style=»two» heading=»Feature Availability» heading_type=»h2″]This is my favorite theme and I have used 100+ over the years. It is feature rich and support is superb. Plus, the developer is working to improve the theme with regular updates.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box icon=»code» style=»two» heading=»Code Quality» heading_type=»h2″]I’ve been working with WordPress since 4 years now, in my whole career I’ve never seen a theme well developed in such a manner that follows every guideline mentioned by Google.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box icon=»support» style=»two» heading=»Customer Support» heading_type=»h2″]Awesome theme & support, author is involved in the WordPress community. Best themes around[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box icon=»crop» style=»two» heading=»Flexibility» heading_type=»h2″]THE most flexible and well written WordPress Theme currently available.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box icon=»smile-o» style=»two» heading=»Favorite Theme» heading_type=»h2″]I’ve purchased around 30 of the biggest themes on Themeforest, and this is definitely my favorite.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_button url=»http://themeforest.net/item/total-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/6339019?ref=WPExplorer» title=»Read More Reviews» style=»clean» align=»center» color=»blue» size=»small» target=»blank» rel=»nofollow» icon_right=»arrow-circle-right»]Read More Reviews[/vcex_button]
[vcex_icon_box style=»one» image=»3432″ icon_color=»#000000″ icon_size=»24px» heading=»Coded For Speed» heading_type=»h2″ container_left_padding=»60px» icon=»star» margin_bottom=»40px»]Total has been coded for optimum speed. Scripts are loaded only when necessary and the code is optimized to output as little and as slim as possible to ensure your site is fast.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_icon_box style=»one» image=»3434″ icon_color=»#000000″ icon_size=»24px» heading=»SEO Optimized» heading_type=»h2″ container_left_padding=»60px» icon=»star» margin_bottom=»40px»]Watch your Google rankings grow with Total. This theme has been SEO optimized and uses the best practices to ensure your on-page SEO is up to par. The built-in breadcrumbs are also coded to display on Google snippets.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_icon_box style=»one» image=»3435″ icon_color=»#000000″ icon_size=»24px» heading=»Powerful Theme Options» heading_type=»h2″ container_left_padding=»60px» icon=»star» margin_bottom=»40px»]With over 300 theme options (and counting) this WordPress theme makes it easier then ever to tweak and better fit your client needs without having to get down and dirty with the code.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_icon_box style=»one» image=»3433″ icon_color=»#000000″ icon_size=»24px» heading=»Support Straight From The Developer» heading_type=»h2″ container_left_padding=»60px» icon=»star»]The only way you’ll get the support you deserve from a theme is if the support is coming straight from the developer. We made the theme so we know how it works and can truly help you with any issues.[/vcex_icon_box]

Portfolio Post Type

Create UNLIMITED portfolios and showcase them ANYWHERE

[vcex_spacing size=»40px»][vcex_portfolio_grid order=»DESC» orderby=»date» columns=»4″ posts_per_page=»8″ pagination=»false» grid_style=»fit-columns» filter=»true» img_width=»500″ img_height=»400″ img_filter=»none» thumb_link=»post» img_overlay_disable=»yes» title=»true» title_link=»post» excerpt=»false» read_more=»false» img_hover_style=»grow» center_filter=»yes» overlay_style=»view-lightbox-buttons-buttons» all_text=»All» excerpt_length=»30″ custom_excerpt_trim=»true» read_more_text=»view post» content_alignment=»center» content_background=»#ffffff» content_heading_size=»13px»]

Full WooCommerce Integration

Easily create a store online and sell your products with Total and WooCommerce.

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Built-In Skins

Choose between built-in skins to instantly change your main site design via a unique dashboard.

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[font_awesome icon=»bolt» size=»24px» margin_bottom=»20″ color=»000″]

Drag & Drop Page Builder

Create pages with ease using the Visual Composer Drag & Drop page builder.
Add portfolios, testimonials, images, sliders and so much more anywhere you want!

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Choose Total

Don’t settle for any theme for your Website, Total is the best choice
& you can buy it today at an affordable price!

[vcex_spacing size=»40px»][vcex_button url=»http://themeforest.net/item/total-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/6339019?ref=WPExplorer» title=»Purchase Total» style=»flat» align=»center» color=»blue» size=»small» font_size=»16px» font_weight=»400″ target=»blank» rel=»none» icon_right=»cloud-download» icon_right_padding=»5px»]Purchase Total[/vcex_button]
[vcex_icon_box style=»two» icon=»dollar» icon_size=»21px» heading=»Pre-sell Questions?» heading_type=»h2″ icon_color=»#555555″ icon_background=»#eeeeee» icon_border_radius=»50%» icon_width=»60px» icon_height=»60px»]Have a question? Just ask! Leave us a comment with your question and we’ll answer just as soon as we can.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_button url=»http://themeforest.net/item/total-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/6339019?ref=WPExplorer» title=»Ask Question» style=»clean» align=»center» color=»blue» size=»small» target=»blank» rel=»none» font_size=»11px»]Ask Question[/vcex_button]
[vcex_icon_box style=»two» icon=»thumbs-up» icon_size=»21px» heading=»Suggestions?» heading_type=»h2″ icon_color=»#555555″ icon_background=»#eeeeee» icon_border_radius=»50%» icon_width=»60px» icon_height=»60px»]We welcome any and all suggestions, so leave us a comment and we will consider it for a future update.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_button url=»http://themeforest.net/item/total-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/6339019?ref=WPExplorer» title=»Submit Suggestion» style=»clean» align=»center» color=»blue» size=»small» target=»blank» rel=»none» font_size=»11px»]Submit Suggestion[/vcex_button]
[vcex_icon_box style=»two» icon=»question» icon_size=»21px» heading=»Need Support?» heading_type=»h2″ icon_color=»#555555″ icon_background=»#eeeeee» icon_border_radius=»50%» icon_width=»60px» icon_height=»60px»]If you find a bug to issue with the theme we want to know about it. Send us a message so we can fix it asap.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_button url=»http://themeforest.net/item/total-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/6339019?ref=WPExplorer» title=»Open a Ticket» style=»clean» align=»center» color=»blue» size=»small» target=»blank» rel=»nofollow» font_size=»11px»]Open a Ticket[/vcex_button]